I had the distinct pleasure of attending "Thre3 Contemporary Street Photographers" curated by Ewan McNeil in east Vancouver with featured photographer, Patrick Hughes. We journeyed to the city together from the Shuswap the day of the opening where I also met the other two gifted photographers, Louise Francis Smith and Robert Earnest. It was one of my first forays into the Vancouver art scene.
We were graciously hosted by Ewan McNeil on arrival at his charming home where he and his daughter, artist Jessie McNeil, create their own unique and inspiring works of art. There was just enough time for refreshments at Ewan's and a quick shower and rest at my close by hotel before venturing out to meet Ewan and Patrick again for the opening reception..
Coming from the sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles it was a real treat to enjoy a short, magical walk through an old and charming city neighborhood, from our host's house to East Van Studios just round the bend. The venue, an old converted mechanic shop, was large yet intimate and well lit with interesting features in itself.. a tall white statue of Chairman Mao standing tall in the stairwell.. A large blue vinyl chair stands out against a white tiled floor downstairs where one can readily steal away from the crowd for a private chat..or perhaps an art deal?
The talent at the show drew a large and dynamic crowd - early in the night and throughout the evening the room was buzzing with good energy. Robert Earnest's night photography series tantalized the crowd - Robert is a night wanderer and takes his pictures when most people are sound asleep. There is a sharp edge to his photos - his lens captures the beauty and the isolation of the city at night and his images are at times as stark and cold as they are deep and stunning. - Louise Francis Smith's intriguing and compassionate images on the disappearing neighbourhoods of old Vancouver mesmerized the crowd- She has a way of capturing penetrating images with seeming effortlessness. With a striking use of tone and colour her images leave a lasting, nostalgic impression. As for Patrick Hughes.. well, full disclosure here.. I traveled with him and love his work but can safely say that if I didn't know him, his work would still enthrall me. Often juxtaposing images from both rural and urban settings, Patrick photographs what most passersby would not take a second, or even first glance at.. A reflection of a silhouette through a shop window with letters from a sign in the foreground which somehow gets you pondering philosophical thoughts.. while in the next frame he captures an iconic image of an eagle, wings raised, in mid-flight and about to land .. Patrick who spends a lot of time in the countryside exploring nature and caring for farm animals, will see things which you and I usually don't. How lucky that he invites us to see the world through the lens of a mystic country shepherd with a sense of humour. :)
Thank you to Ewan McNeil and all who made this show happen. -
Patrick Hughes (L), Louise Francis Smith (Center), Robert Earnest (R)